Ebay Business - Posting from Spain
Posted: 06 April 2012 05:52 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2012-04-06

Hi all,

I’m considering moving to Spain to be closer to my parents, but I have the issue of moving my ebay business from the UK to Spain.

I’ve heard a lot of conflicting reports about Correos, can anyone tell me if it would be possible to use them to send around 50 items a week to the USA and the UK (mostly books and CDs) and have the items arrive in a reasonable time. Or would I just be banging my head up against a brick wall with stuff going missing?

Thanks in advance for any advice 😊

Posted: 06 April 2012 04:55 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15

Have to say that I don’t use Correos for a commercial enterprise but on the odd occasion I have used them for parcels delivery to the UK I have had no problems. It’s my opinion that they are on a par with the UK Post Office. Deliveries of CD and book size packages to the UK take approx 4 working days by Correos

If you elect however to use a commercial courier service instead, I’d suggest you avoid MRW… Amazon use them and they are really p*ss poor…



Help desperately needed


Posted: 08 April 2012 10:50 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  25
Joined  2012-01-14

Hi,  I’ve had no probs. with correos here - posting to US and UK, its as good as UK post office - you can register valuable items also, it compares well.
