Doctors in Spain

Information about doctors in Spain including both public doctors through the public clinic system and making private doctors appointments. See the extensive list of English speaking doctors in Madrid, Barcelona and Malaga, Spain.

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Spanish Slang

Spain Expat's quick guide to everyday Spanish slang and informal vocabulary you may or may not find in your dictionary. As with most slang, these Spanish slang words are largely the province of informal situations.

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Sports In Spain

Getting active in Spain: go outside, inside and on the water. Information about the most popular sports in Spain, where to watch them and where to play them. Also information about the incredibly diverse range of sporting options available throughout the country

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Visa for Spain

Spain Expat's comprehensive information for obtaining the various visas -other than a working visa- and residency information: retirement visas, self- employment or investment visas and more.

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Business Etiquette in Spain

Learn essential business etiquette and business culture in Spain. Topics include greeting, dress, table manners, time and scheduling, and space.

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Camping in Spain

This article talks about some basic considerations when looking for camp sites in Spain, and about camping in Spain generally.

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