TV in Spain, Satellite and more

Information on general TV in Spain, English language television in Spain, including foreign language, satellite/Sky TV, digital, online TV and other options for expatriates living in Spain.

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Importing Pets to Spain

Information about how to import animals and pets into Spain. Includes: certifications, verterinarians' certificates, regulations, pet passports, most specifically importing pets from the US and Canada. Also note the regulations for owning a dangerous animal.

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Start a Business in Spain

Essential steps, tips and practical advice to start a business in Spain.

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Emergency Telephone Numbers in Spain

Contact information for emergency services with the police department, fire department, ambulance and your embassy, and in case of domestic abuse and credit card theft. A short guide to Spain's emergency services.

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How a Canadian couple moved to Spain and found a home

Frank and Lissette moved to Spain after 6 years of slow travel around the world. Here's the story of the couple's first chapter of their new life in Spain on a nonlucrative visa: finding a home and figuring out which part of the country to settle themselves.

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