Cheap Flights to Spain

Information about cheap flights and airlines that service Spain. There are many options and potential pitfalls; we provide information based on our personal experience about flying to Spain, and a note about flying into Spain and your legal status.

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Doctors in Spain

Information about doctors in Spain including both public doctors through the public clinic system and making private doctors appointments. See the extensive list of English speaking doctors in Madrid, Barcelona and Malaga, Spain.

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Spanish Slang

Spain Expat's quick guide to everyday Spanish slang and informal vocabulary you may or may not find in your dictionary. As with most slang, these Spanish slang words are largely the province of informal situations.

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The Types of Business Entities in Spain

Here you'll find general legal, financial, and set-up information on the ten types of business entities for companies in Spain.

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Skiing In Spain

Who Told You To Leave The Gear Behind? This is your guide to some of the best skiing in Spain, especially for expat ski bums who might be looking for a seasonal job at a ski resort in Spain.

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Moving to Spain: To Do List

The Moving to Spain TO DO list (checklist) of things you will need to take care of before moving/ relocating. Information and preparations like: learning Spanish, business, visa, changing your home residency status, getting health insurance, a foreign bank account, purchasing electronics, and finding accommodations.

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