Universities In Spain

Information about colleges in Spain and how the system works, what degrees to get, how long they take and a list of universities across the country for all courses and subject areas

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Business in Spain

Information about business in Spain and Spain’s economy, including Spain’s business outlook and key business opportunities and pitfalls.

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Spanish Slang

Spain Expat's quick guide to everyday Spanish slang and informal vocabulary you may or may not find in your dictionary. As with most slang, these Spanish slang words are largely the province of informal situations.

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Spain Returns to the Peseta

What would happen in a worst case scenario and Spain were to return to the Peseta? Is this even likely?

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Health Insurance in Spain: A Semi-Insider’s Guide

Pitfalls, problems, complications, solutions and insider recommendations for purchasing private health insurance in Spain. A guide based on semi-insider information, interviews with insurance agents, direct insight from consulates and diligent research.

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Counting Your Days in (and Outside of) Spain

One of the unexpectedly important yet seemingly trivial tasks for expats is tracking your presence both in Spain and elsewhere as a means to determine tax obligations and meet residency requirements. Learn how to count your days, confirm the requirements for your residency situation, and review the technologies available to help you.

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