Doctors in Spain

Information about doctors in Spain including both public doctors through the public clinic system and making private doctors appointments. See the extensive list of English speaking doctors in Madrid, Barcelona and Malaga, Spain.

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Getting Married, Weddings & Giving Birth in Spain

Information about getting married, registering a wedding, eloping and giving birth for expatriates in Spain.

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Spanish Holidays

When Do You Get Time Off In Spain? A Great Guide to Spain's National and Regional Holidays - information about both regional and national holidays throughout the country, focused on how Spain celebrates and explaining the significance of some of Spain's prominent holidays.

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Consumer Complaint Forms / Hojas de Reclamaciones

This article is about what are, and how to use, the official consumer complaint forms, known as Hojas de Reclamaciones, which allow any consumer who has a complaint against a Spanish restaurant, bar, shop, service provider, and many other businesses, to enter the complaint officially and easily.

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Spanish Art & Culture

An introduction to Spanish art and culture – past and present – including architecture, dance, fashion, film, literature, music, painting, and sculpture.

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