Weather in Spain

An overview of the weather in Spain, including information on Spanish weather by season, region, and major city. Also learn about the author's favorite times and places to be in Spain.

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University Exchange Programs in Spain

Information about applying for exchange programs in Spanish universities, how to transfer credits, taking the selectividad exams and the best places to do an exchange program in Spain.

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Teaching English in Spain

If you're thinking of teaching English in Spain, read these articles first, adventure later.

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Shopping! in Spain

Information about where and how to shop for groceries, expat goods and other important items for expats in Spain.

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Getting Married in Spain - Non-EU Foreigners Marrying a Spaniard

A quick guide for what you will need to get married to a Spaniard as a non-EU citizen. This is based on a Madrid-based experience with a US citizen.

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Start a Business in Spain

Essential steps, tips and practical advice to start a business in Spain.

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