Weather in Spain

An overview of the weather in Spain, including information on Spanish weather by season, region, and major city. Also learn about the author's favorite times and places to be in Spain.

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Universities In Spain

Information about colleges in Spain and how the system works, what degrees to get, how long they take and a list of universities across the country for all courses and subject areas

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Consumer Complaint Forms / Hojas de Reclamaciones

This article is about what are, and how to use, the official consumer complaint forms, known as Hojas de Reclamaciones, which allow any consumer who has a complaint against a Spanish restaurant, bar, shop, service provider, and many other businesses, to enter the complaint officially and easily.

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Getting Your University Degree Recognized in Spain

How to get your degree recognized in Spain through the homologation process (homologación) or the professional recognition process (reconocimiento professional).

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Teaching English in Spain: Teaching In the Black

Part 3 of our 5 article series on teaching English in Spain. Information on teaching "in the black", meaning illegally, with or without papers, but under the radar of the Spanish tax and immigration system.

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Guide to Spanish Mobile SIMs and Providers in Spain (2021)

Everything you need to know to get the right mobile phone provider for your new life in Spain. Offers detailed information covering technologies/frequencies, prices, plans, MVNOs and the major providers (Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Yoigo and Lobster. Learn which Spanish mobile providers are the fastest and which are the most popular among expats. Read one expat's plan for the best way to get a Spanish SIM before and after arriving in Spain.

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