Information sought on importing motorhome from USA
Posted: 04 July 2006 04:51 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2006-07-04

Hi everyone,
Firstly as a former residents of Malaga (now residing in New Zealand) we intend returning our LHD car which we bought in Spain then exported to New Zealand. Can anyone comment on this?
Also as we would like to base ourselves in Spain (but touring other European countries) & living permanantly in a comfortable American motorhome because we feel the European models would be too small for our purpose & our physical size. Has anyone any knowledge of importing a motorhome from USA? What is the maximum size of motorhome that can be 1) registered 2) driven legally in Spain or Europe? I have seen the government site but as it is in Spanish cannot understand it.
Any help on matters would be appreciated
