Average salaries spain
Posted: 22 July 2011 09:01 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-07-22


I am currently relocating from Asia, and i am planning on moving back to Europe, specifically Spain. However, i am finding it troublesome to figure out weather or not it is a lucrative option.

I have been in Spain a number of times, so i am aware of the salaries being slightly lower than in other areas of Europe. However, as the salaries are lower, also are the costs of living hence less expenses.

What i would like to know, is what i can expect when it comes to the salaries in Spain.

I have both an associates and a bachelor degree in electrical engineering.

In addition, i speak a number of languages as:

Spanish (Ecuador)

furthermore, i have worked as an electrical engineer for 4 years.

I am planning on looking for work in areas as Valencia, Barcelona etc, or other places along the east coast of Spain.

Is there anyone that has local experience of this field and salary ranges along the east coast of Spain.

I have done a lot of research, nonetheless, it is not being very effective as most information i get is inaccurate estimations.

Thankful for any help!

//Bernard J

Posted: 28 July 2011 08:36 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  56
Joined  2011-07-28

I?m not really in your industry, but given the number of unemployed engineers I really doubt that you can expect much, or even a job in Spain. If they are lucky to have a paying job, they?re usually a mileurista (<1,000? a month). They?re also shipping off 8000 engineers to work in Germany since there are too many. Of course all depends on your level of experience and whether or not you have an expertise that is hard to find here in Spain and in demand, so don?t take this as a set down.

Your assumption that lower salaries mean lower expenses is a bit flawed. I believe Barcelona made it to the top 50 most expensive cities to live in from Mercer?s survey one year. Let?s not forget the Euro does make everything more expensive, despite low salaries.

Nevertheless, do your research and make sure you make an informed decision before taking the plunge into this rocky environment!! Muchas suerte.
