Posted: 25 August 2006 07:50 PM  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2006-08-16

Hi there,
I am a freelance graphic designer moving to Spain in September, and have some queries regarding self employment/ tax.
1. How do I register as self - employed in Spain, and how much does it cost?
2. How does this effect my tax? Can I keep my English clients, or does this mean I would end up paying tax twice?

If anyone can offer some advice on this subject it would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou, Pernille. 😖

Posted: 26 August 2006 02:57 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  29
Joined  2006-08-24

You will be under the Social Security Regime of “Autonomo”. The rate or quota is elected by you yearly at the beginning of October. During 2006, the elected amounts will be in between a monthly rate of 787,70 ? and 2897,70 ?.

You can keep having your english clients and your taxes will be due here in Spain as they will be obtained here in Spain.  By virtue of a treaty to avoid doble taxation:


INSTRUMENTO de Ratificaci?n de Espa?a del Convenio entre Espa?a y el Reino Unido de Gran Breta?a e Irlanda del Norte para evitar la doble imposici?n y prevenir la evasion fiscal en materia de Impuestos sobre la Renta y sobre el Patrimonio, hecho en Londres el 21 de octubre de 1975. (“Bolet?n Oficial del Estado” de 18 de noviembre de 1976.)

Which, under provision number 14, states that your fees ( as freelance) will accrue taxes just in the country where you have your residency, unless you have fixed basis in England:

Las rentas obtenidas por un residente de un Estado contratante por la prestaci?n de servicios profesionales o de otras actividades independientes de car?cter an?logo s?lo pueden someterse a imposici?n en este Estado, a no ser que disponga regularmente de una base fija en el otro Estado contratante para la realizaci?n de sus actividades. Si dispone de esa base fija, las rentas pueden ser sometidas a imposici?n en el otro Estado contratante, pero s?lo en la medida en que puedan ser atribuibles a esa renta fija.

La expresi?n “servicios profesionales” comprende especialmente las actividades independientes de car?cter cient?fico, literario, art?stico, educativo o docente, as? como las actividades independientes de los m?dicos, abogados, ingenieros, arquitectos, odont?logos y contadores.


Mar?a L. de Castro
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Posted: 29 August 2006 07:09 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2006-08-16

Thanks for your reply. Does this mean I have to pay a set amount every month on top of my normal taxes, if I am self -employed?
Can I continue having English clients, if my residency is in Spain? Is there a website or contact in London, where I can go and see somone regarding these issues? Many thanks for your help.
