Questions after having left Spain
Posted: 16 September 2012 11:24 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2012-09-16

Hello all,

I am a EU citizen and have lived and worked in Spain for the past years.
I do not live there anymore but did not have the time when being there to do all the necessary “gestiones”.
So now I am in another EU country, however I have not signed out from the “Registro de Extrangeros” etc.
I still have a NIE and a Social Security number.

Do you think this is a major problem?
Should I “get rid” of my NIE?

Other than that, is there any way to do all that when living abroad?
Do you have any suggestions on how to do that?

Many thanks!!

Posted: 16 September 2012 06:53 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  744
Joined  2009-01-22

I do not think you can ‘get rid of’ your NIE but there is a deregistration process - documented here and although entitled Returning to the UK some of the advice applies to leaving Spain



Posted: 16 October 2012 02:58 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

JK… As Robi says, the NIE is for life.. (not a bad thing if you ever need to do anything connect with Spain in lifetime! - A small pension perhaps here?)

But if you can, I would de-register from all you don’t need -
I.e Residency (quite simple - go to police station and hand in your card/certificate.)
Padron (very simple - just walk into town hall where you registered and go baja)
Social Security (probably a bit more complex)
Tax (ditto - lots of paper filling I imagine.. altho my tax advisor puts in my ‘baja’ forms whenever I need.)
The latter two being very important I would think… as I forgot to do a ‘baja’ when I was not working for a time, and they are still chasing me for tax they say I owe!  (My tax advisor has written them, but they are not listening, just keep sending ‘standard letters.’)  At least I have a good tax gestor.

Perhaps a gestor would do it for you at a distance? Although this might involve a Power of Attorney - which can be over Eu100.

(Line the gestor up in advance of a trip over and do it all in one hit?  Then at least it is done and dusted?)
