Posted: 19 December 2007 04:56 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2007-12-19

Would anyone know what the regaultions are as regards brining pet rabbits to spain. My son and daughter in law have two rabbits which currently live in their house in the uk and are moving to spain in January. So far we have been unable to find out what if any, the requirements are. The usual legislation that applies to the mvoement of dogs and cats also applies to ferrets but not to rabbitas. I have rung Defra in the Uk but they were unable to assist as was our local vet here in Spain.

Posted: 20 December 2007 12:46 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  90
Joined  2007-12-02

Hello! Welcome to the Forum. A friend of mine moved from Holland to Madrid with a pet rabbit, i’m cutting and pasting in her reply to me:

“I got my rabbit in the Netherlands.  To bring her over here I had to have her checked by a vet who issued a certificate of health.  The certificate is only valid for a certain period of time (a month I think) so shouldn’t be done too far in advance.

From the Netherlands only Iberia will take rabbits.  (Many airlines will take cats and dogs but few accept rabbits).  Everything was organised through http://www.zoologistics.nl/ .  I can’t remember the exact amount, but I think it cost between 4-500 euros in total.  This included the official pet carry-cases (bought through Zoo Logistics) as the ones you can get at the pet shops for about 10 euros as not suitable for flights.  The Zoo Logistics website includes details of the carry-cases.

Collecting the rabbit in Madrid was quite simple.  You go to the cargo area with your paperwork and then collect your pet.  The only thing I would advise is not to go immediately when the flight is due.  I did this and had to wait for about 1hr whilst everything was processed. “

I know yours are not coming from Holland and probably not coming to Madrid but i hope this info might help a little…


In it for the long haul
