Spanish television in UK
Posted: 23 April 2008 05:27 PM  
Total Posts:  303
Joined  2006-03-16

I’d like to watch more Spanish TV at home as I find it really useful for building language skills. I often rent Spanish language DVDs but I find movie scripts are too literary or too dramatic (and often from Latin America, so less relevant for me) - the most useful stuff for building everyday vocabulary and fluency in my opinion is crap TV like Espana Directo and chat shows, game shows etc.  So, is there a good way to get TVE etc. in the UK?  I don’t want to put a big satellite dish on my house (it wouldn’t be allowed anyway as it’s a listed building). Is there a Spanish equivalent of the BBC’s iPlayer for the computer?


Martin, Scotland and the Alpujarra.

Posted: 23 April 2008 09:48 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  44
Joined  2007-08-12

TVE is on SKY

