Need a lawyer in Alicante
Posted: 27 March 2009 06:08 PM  
Total Posts:  59
Joined  2008-04-01

Over 2 years ago I did sell a car to a Spaniard. He never did change the registration at trafico, and I only found out 3 weeks ago after receiving his traffic fines. I want to consult a lawyer before going to the police. Could someone advice me a lawyer in Alicante who does speaks either English, German or French? Thanks! Eva33

Posted: 11 April 2009 02:11 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2009-04-10

I have used the services of a Lawyer in Spain, who acted on my behalf on the purchase of my villa. He was also prepared to assist in other issues and gave some free advise without any charge. I was told after my purchase that he was trusted and was an honest person to do business with by other impartial expats.

He is based in Moraira, which is in the Bennissa region and not far from Alicante. You are wise to use a Lawyer out of the area of the issue as they can offer impartial advise. I have always been advised to use different regional officials, as local officials are often related in family or work in close sectors.

If you require his details, please let me know and i will send them for you.



Posted: 11 April 2009 02:26 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  63
Joined  2008-10-24

Did you use Romeu, they are in Moraira and I used them for the purchase of my villa?  I am very happy with their service and work and I also got lots of information about Spanish issues and items I had to be aware of.

Posted: 12 April 2009 06:07 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  156
Joined  2007-06-11

Using this when selling a car may help, should you run into this kid of problem later, IT is important to verify info(NIE)  with buyers ID card etc.
I had the same problem and once I gave a copy of this to Trafico never heard from them again. I have got it in Word or PDF, if anybody would like a copy,
(Couldnt insert in document format!)

De una parte (como adquiriente o comprador)
Con D.N.I. n?mero?????????????????, domicilio en????????????????.

Y DE OTRA PARTE (transmitente o vendedor)
Con D.N.I. n?mero??????????????????????????????..y titula del veh?culo
1.  Que el transmitente es el actual titula de veh?culo y que ?ste se encuentra libre de cargas y grav?menes que pudieran impedir la formalizaci?n de la transferencia, por el adquiriente,  en la Jefatura Provincial de Tr?fico.
2.  Que el adquiriente se compromete a formalizar la transferencia a su favor, dentro de los treinta d?as h?biles siguientes a la firma del presente contrato.
3.  El precio de la compra-venta se fija en?????????????????????.?uros-

Y para que as? conste ante la Conseller?a de Economia , Hacienda y Empleo, y surtan los efectos pertinentes los pactos contenidos en el presente documento privado, firman el mismo:


EL ADQUIRIENTE                                                       EL TRANSMITIENTE
O COMPRADOR                                                         O VENDEDOR

Sr./Sra????????????????????????  Sr./Sra????????...................................



Posted: 14 April 2009 10:06 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  59
Joined  2008-04-01

Thank you to all for the feedback!
Here is the follow up! April 2. I did made a deposition at Trafico and they gave me a copy with a stamp on it. I did ask if there is something else I should do, they answered No, just wait they will take care of it. I don?t know what?s happen, but today I did receive a copy of the ?denuncia? the buyer wants (or did) to do against the RACC and me. Apart of the fact that he did buy the car and did pay for it, this document contains the biggest amount of lies per cm2 I ever have seen in my life. AND he does ask 56?000 Euros (fifty six thousand!!!) damage money from the RACC and from me! I do not know for what and why, since he did use the car since the day he did bought it and never did pay anything (taxes/fines) for it. The RACC takes this all very cool and told me the have there lawyers which will crucify the guy. Myself, and despite the proven fact that there is absolutely no wrongdoing on my part, I am not so comfortable. In a country where they can destroy houses of owners who did pay for them, you never know. Maybe it would be good idea to move?..

Posted: 14 April 2009 11:46 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  2855
Joined  2007-10-19

Try the The British Consulate in Alicante

British Consulate
Plaza de Calvo Sotelo, 1, 2?
Apdo. de Correos 564
03001 Alicante

Tel.: 96 521 61 90 or 96 521 60 22

E-mail: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


Posted: 15 April 2009 12:38 AM   [ # 6 ]  
Total Posts:  59
Joined  2008-04-01
jurdyr - 14 April 2009 11:46 PM

Try the The British Consulate in Alicante

British Consulate
Plaza de Calvo Sotelo, 1, 2?
Apdo. de Correos 564
03001 Alicante

Tel.: 96 521 61 90 or 96 521 60 22

E-mail: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


Hi Jurdy,
Thank you very much, but I am Swiss, not British. I guess they would probably not be interested in my case.

Posted: 15 April 2009 12:56 AM   [ # 7 ]  
Total Posts:  550
Joined  2008-09-12

Well Its ok your Forgiven 😉

If you have spoken and dealt with Guardia Civil There is much more you can do…

I suppose you must wait to see if this case goes to court…

I am sure that Swiss Embassy here In Spain can Provide you a list of Lawyers that can help?



Posted: 12 March 2010 07:16 PM   [ # 8 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-03-12
Dave barton - 11 April 2009 02:11 AM

I have used the services of a Lawyer in Spain, who acted on my behalf on the purchase of my villa. He was also prepared to assist in other issues and gave some free advise without any charge. I was told after my purchase that he was trusted and was an honest person to do business with by other impartial expats.

He is based in Moraira, which is in the Bennissa region and not far from Alicante. You are wise to use a Lawyer out of the area of the issue as they can offer impartial advise. I have always been advised to use different regional officials, as local officials are often related in family or work in close sectors.

If you require his details, please let me know and i will send them for you.



Hi Dave
Looking into property purchase up in the Jalon area and would love to hear more about your lawyer recommendations - plenty of lawyers around but never a way to find out if they’re any good…(until it’s too late…)

Posted: 28 August 2010 09:58 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  59
Joined  2008-04-01

Just to let you know, that after 17 month of being aware that the buyer of my car did not change the owner name at Trafico and 4 years after the actual sale of the care, I did receive three embargos in my bank account of a total of about 800 Euros. They all concerned trafic fines for infractions made during a time I was in the Philippines (can be easily proved with my passport). Also the change of titular is made since over a year and I have furnished all proofs of the sale which did take place in September 2006. I love Spain, but the Spanish administration is a terrible mess!!!

Posted: 27 October 2010 12:41 PM   [ # 10 ]  
Total Posts:  5
Joined  2010-10-27

I think that with the help of these information people can easily set a lawyer in Alicante, Lawyers help clients with estate planning and business negotiations, strategies and transactions. With good legal advice, clients are better prepared to comply with and navigate through the complex mazes of governmental rules and regulations.


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