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Spanish citizenship by descent (process)
Posted: 19 January 2014 10:29 PM   [ # 46 ]  
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Joined  2013-12-06

First of all,there have so many people come from different country,for example,me .i come from UK.Not the every body can use English to leave the message ,they even can not read any words,but they can understand something from the pictures ,the original links or somewhere.if they want to know what’s you want to tell them know ,they need spend time to check the dictionary .so ,i think it’s too hard to leave a English comment here..  ..  😉 😉 😉

Posted: 08 July 2014 06:49 AM   [ # 47 ]  
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Joined  2014-07-08

EDIT: whoops I didn’t see the posts at the bottom of the last page dealing with a similar situation. Well, I’ll leave my post here in case anything about my situation might possibly warrant a different procedure.

This seems to be the best place to ask, since I can’t find any clear answers elsewhere on the net.

My grandfather was originally born in Spain, but moved to Cuba when he was very young - in the early 1940s, I think. He had to flee to the US with his wife and children decades later and became a US citizen some time after. He never renounced his Spanish citizenship. Is it at all possible for him to recover or reclaim his Spanish citizenship after so many decades of not really using it? If so, what kind of procedures would he have to go through, what kind of documents would he have to put together? I highly doubt he has access to his original Spanish birth certificate due to the nature in which he had to leave Cuba. Is there any way to get a copy?

Most advice I can find online presupposes that one’s grandparent has unambiguous Spanish citizenship; resources about our predicament are nonexistent :(

Any help, or just pointing in a helpful direction, would be hugely appreciated.

Posted: 07 October 2014 03:29 AM   [ # 48 ]  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2012-07-13


You can use this site to get your grandfather’s birth certificate. You will not be able to get a digital certificate since these are only available for births after 1950.


Obviously in filling out the form, the more information you provide the faster you’ll get the certificate. So if you have the name of his parents, the place and date of his birth (so that you can solicit the ministry to go directly to the civil registry of that town/city), and (but unlikely in your case) the tome and page number where the certificate is located within the civil registry you will get it very fast (like, within a month or two of requesting it). I had the information exactly for my great grandmother because we had a copy of her birth certificate. For my great grandfather, on the other hand, we only had the place and date of birth, and his parents’ names = something like 4 months if i recall. So it is entirely possible and it doesn’t cost anything.

Posted: 14 November 2014 10:01 AM   [ # 49 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2014-11-14

I would like to thank Aritz also for responding clearly to my query.

Posted: 21 November 2014 06:49 PM   [ # 50 ]  
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Joined  2014-11-21

I just want to make sure about some details.

My grandfather is a Spanish by origin (he was born in Spain in 1935 and his mother is a Spanish).
My father was born in Palestine . (in this year (2014) he got Spanish nationality by origin BECAUSE he is a son of a Spanish father born in Spain)
and I was born in Palestine , my age is now 29 .
- Am I eligible to get Spanish nationality? 
- what is the deference between nationality by origin and nationality by residency
- what kind of nationality that I can get?
I didn’t practice my right to get Spain nationality in the past , because my grandfather exile from spain when he was 2 years old under the civil war that extended from (1936-1939) . and my father obtained his Spanish nationality in this year (2014) .

Posted: 13 January 2016 08:32 AM   [ # 51 ]  
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Joined  2016-01-13

Hello, I have another query about Spanish Citizenship.

My main question is about requesting the documents necessary when you do not have a relationship with the Spanish national. Both of my parents were born in Venezuela to Spanish parents. Unfortunately they were never registered as Spanish nationals ( or so I believed). My parents divorced when i was 13 and my father abandoned the country and I have not seen him since.

While cleaning out documents I found a form that contained NIF information and another form that suggests that my brother was placed in the Libro de Familia; in that form my Father writes that he is a Spanish citizen. Using this information, my birth certificate and various records is it possible to gather the documents needed to start the process? The big issue is that since I don’t have any communication with my Father I cannot easily access these documents. I am very interested in seeing if I can find any documentation that will help me claim my citizenship like birth certificate and other supporting documents. Is this possible?

I have various family members who live in Spain who can certainly act on my behalf if need be.

My mother is gathering the necessary documentation to become a Nationalized citizen ( she has since renounced Venezuelan citizenship and is a US citizen) so regardless I can be claimed by her once her process is complete, i was just looking to expedite the process.

I am 22 years old.

Thank you in advance!!

Posted: 25 March 2016 01:21 AM   [ # 52 ]  
Total Posts:  10
Joined  2012-07-13


Your mother was a daughter of a spaniard, correct? If I read this correctly she was never registered at birth. I am supposing that your mother is undergoing the process because she opened a dossier with the Spanish consulate while the historical memory law was active, correct? I ask this because from my mother’s experience with the Spanish consulate in Miami this law is now closed unless you opened up a dossier before the law ended in December of 2011 - they no longer accept any new requests under this law. Since you are older than 18 (or as Spanish law says, up to two years after emancipation, which would place upper bound on 20 years of age if 18 is the age of emancipation), the only way that your mother would be able to make you Spanish without you setting foot in Spain is if you also opened up a dossier while the law of historical memory was active; and even then you would likely have done it under your grandparents since your mother at the time - and currently - was not Spanish. Otherwise, you are too old; the only way that Spanish law allows the child of a Spaniard to recuperate (the traditional “by option”) citizenship at ANY point in the life of the child without having to do residency in Spain is if the parent were a Spaniard by origin AND said parent was physically born in Spain - so this path to citizenship is closed for any child whose parent became/was/is a Spaniard of origin and born abroad (irrespective of the process used to become a Spaniard of origen - parent inscription of the birth in the consulate of the country of birth, or using the Memory law as many of us have). Moreover, this “by option” route does not confer the “by origen” qualifier to the citizenship. Effectively what the Memory Law did for those born abroad of Spanish parents who could have ALWAYS opted to be Spanish is give their citizenship the monicker “of origen”, which is the heritable citizenship.

Assuming the both of you have opened up a dossier (which are indefinite, there is no time frame for turning in the documents…for now) and she has been able to get her documents in order, then she will be able to obtain the Spanish citizenship of origen by option. This is important for you because, if she merely opts for it as the law currently stands she won’t likely get the “by origen,” which is necessary for you to recuperate yours, should you have opened a dossier - recall she wasn’t born in Spain so you can’t also opt the normal way. Once she obtains it, you might have a slight hurdle to obtain yours. Yours will be more complicated since presumably you may need another document aside from your mother’s newly minted Spanish birth certificate.

This is what we did with my grandmother, whose parents were Spanish and born in Spain - she could have even at 85 years old opted to be Spanish even without the Memory Law; but now that she is “of origen” thanks to the Memory Law I can benefit from her citizenship by residing in Spain on a Residency permit for one year (student visas don’t count - Spain considers these extended visas and not a residency permit per se) and then applying for my citizenship, which is precisely what I have done. Since my mother opened up a dossier prior to the closure of the Memory Law, my grandmother can now sign “a certificate of the recuperation of Spanish citizenship of origen” for my mother when she presents three documents: 1) my grandmother’s Spanish birth certificate; 2) her US birth certificate with the Apostille legalization; and 3) her Spanish grandfather’s proof of Cuban citizenship or lack thereof, and in the case he never became Cuban (which in our case he never did), a certificate from the foreigner registry office of the date of his inscription. The reason for document (3) is that my mother opened her dossier through her grandparents since at the time my grandmother was not yet a Spaniard (they both opened their dossiers up at the same meeting in the consulate). Thus, it seems, my mother applied under the grandparent clause and we presume that they want to know when my grandfather went to/registered in Cuba (did he go as an exile of the Civil war, or not). The problem is that the certificate of foreigner registration document for us no longer exists (we have the cuban document saying he never became a citizenship) since those papers in Cuba were destroyed during floods and hurricanes at the local municipal registries. We have recently solicited his death certificate and are now trying to see if, since the certificate states he died as a Spaniard, it will work for my mother as a substitute.

So as you see the process is daunting. The bureaucrats at the consulate have EVERY reason to instigate red tape to get you to not want to go through this process since they are handling tens of thousands of dossiers.

You asked about your father. IF you need your father’s birth certificate and IF your father had a NIF and was a Spanish citizen, then he would presumably have a Spanish birth certificate. So you will need to get this. Since he was born in Venezuela his Spanish birth certificate will be located in the Registro Civil Central de Madrid (this is where all birth certificates of foreign-born Spaniards are located). See my post above from a couple years ago for the link to solicite the birth certificate. Here the problem is it will take a while to find depending on what information you have. You state to have un libro familiar. HOPEFULLY you have the two important things: el tomo y la pagina of the certificate used to catalogue the document at the consulate where the birth was recorded. Using this they will find the certificate in their files using the correspondence lists they have to their Tomos and Paginas in the RCC (the cataloging is not the same and the fact that they have to match up the consulate records to their copy records means it takes time). 

I hope this helps and that you are able to get this taken care of.

Posted: 04 August 2017 08:52 PM   [ # 53 ]  
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Joined  2017-08-04

I would also very much like to know the answers to these questions

Posted: 09 June 2018 08:48 PM   [ # 54 ]  
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Joined  2018-06-09

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