Moving to spain, no job lined up….
Posted: 17 October 2010 04:31 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2010-10-17

what happens in relation to claiming jobseekers benefits?
Im a married mother of 2 children, we currently live in the uk, and we are looking to move to spain (alicante) in january but ive just lost my job, i am currently receiving jsa, housing and council tax benefit, including child tax and child benefit…
Can we still move in january and claim these benefits in spain?

‘If we can claim these’:

Im unsure how it would work as, if these benefits can be claimed, how would i get them up and running? as the propertys in spain are for rent by private landords right?
so there fore, we would have to have enough money to put down a deposit and then some months rent in advance as surely the government wont pay for this also?

much thanks

Posted: 17 October 2010 03:05 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  744
Joined  2009-01-22

You will not get a penny from the Spanish as you have not worked here - I would think very seriously about this move.



Posted: 17 October 2010 05:36 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2010-10-17

i see, so i have to of contributed to spain before im entitled to benifets? obviously, i wouldnt be claiming forever, only for a month or two untill i get a job.

also i thought the uk payed the benifets to me, not spain? as on the uk jobcentre website, they say that they help you for 3 months, if at the end of this period and you have not got a job.. your out of the country…

thanks for your quick reply

Posted: 17 October 2010 08:21 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  818
Joined  2006-06-15


Whilst I admire your desire to get the hell out of the UK, you really must take into consideration the long term consequences of such a move. Unless you and or your husband have some sought-after qualification and can speak Spanish, the chances of getting a job out here are pretty minimal. There are over 4 million unemployed people in Spain and life for them is pretty grim.

Take a look at and you will see that the only exportable benefit applicable in your case appears to be JSA and this only for three months.

You also need to take into consideration what would happen if it all goes pear-shaped out here and you have to go back to the UK. There will be no support available from either the Spanish or UK authorities. You will be strictly ‘on your own.’

You will need Private Health insurance out here unless you contribute to the Spanish Social Security system and the fee payable to the SSS is around 260? per month.

If you assume around 400-500? a month for private rent (there is no such thing as council housing available) you are already looking at needing an income of 1000? by the time you include you include food and local transport. Realistically you need a minimum of1500? for you and your family. You should allow for 2 or 3 months rental in advance as a deposit depending on which agency you use and there are a lot of them.

You also need to take into consideration schooling for the children; out here the parents pay for all text books, writing materials, exercise books etc.
For a family on limited means it’s all one hell of a step.

good Luck whatever you decide to do…



Help desperately needed

Posted: 19 October 2010 08:01 AM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

I think Foxbats reply is comprehensive and realistic.
Please consider all eventualities before packing up all and moving lock stock and xxxx
I also think his knowledge that JSA can be transferred for 3 months (max!) is correct (I did consider it myself at one point).
I have lived here for 10yrs, been out of work (and on the bread line) for the past 4 - even tho I contributed to the system for 6yrs previously. (They only pay you for a very limited time based on what you have put in. And it does not cover rent or anything else - just a % of your previous earnings). 
Thankfully I have just found a part-time job, but it is still tough.
I only make it work as my OH is now in receipt of UK pension (this with the veg we grow to sell just about gets us through).

Take stock of all the info above and make your decision then…

Good luck.

Posted: 25 November 2010 04:19 AM   [ # 5 ]  
Total Posts:  32
Joined  2010-11-23

In Spain you only get what you put into the system which I think is fair enough.

