Hi!  American here with question on researching a Spanish Co.
Posted: 18 May 2011 09:57 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-05-18

Hi!  I’m Kristen, 34, American.  Making some transitions in my life, and am seriously considering going to Spain for a few months with a program I saw online.  The company name is Home to Home, they’re in Barcelona.  I’d be a cultural assistant, working in a school alongside a teacher, assisting with English.  My question is, how can I research this company to see if it’s legitimate?  In the USA, we have the Better Business Bureau.  Is there anything similar in Spain?  I know there’s lots of scams out there, but I don’t know anyone in Spain who could check it out for me or point me in the right direction.

If anyone could help out, I’d greatly appreciate it!  😊 Thanks for reading this.  Take care!

