Residency for American
Posted: 01 May 2007 12:41 AM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2007-04-30

Hi all, I’m an Americian who recently arrived in Spain with a visa.  I was told in the states that I had to apply for residencia within 30 days of my arrival in Spain.  But I have been told that there are new residencia forms (that no one seems to have) and that I have to go to Alicante now rather than local police.
Is there an American who is familiar with this proceedure in the last month…or someone else who can tell me where to get the necessary forms - and does this still have to be done within 30 days…what else do I need to bring to Alicante and where do I go???? 
thanks for all you replys…Patty

Posted: 02 May 2007 12:18 AM   [ # 1 ]  
Just Landed
Total Posts:  28
Joined  2006-04-14

Depends on what kind of visa you came with. I’m back in the USA because my tourist visa (not really, because we’re on the visa waiver program) was about to expire. I’ll be returning at the end of the week. You have to go to the “extranjeria” in Alicante if you have anything other than the 90 day stamp. Be forewarned—you need to arrive there EARLY in the morning because not everyone will get a number. Take someone who is fluent in spanish with you.

You will need a copy of a police report that is certified, a certified copy of a birth certificate, your libro de famillia if you’re married, a copy of ALL pages in your passport, your empadronamento from your ayuntamiento of the city or village that you live in. All the things from the US will require an “Apostille” which comes from the Secretary of State that issued the documents. If you were born in one state, and have the police report from another, you’ll need to contact both secretaries of state for the states in question.

If you wish to talk, send me a private message with your phone number, and we can talk this coming monday when I return.


What was I doing? Oh yeah, now I remember…

