Newly in Madrid / Entrev?as area
Posted: 31 January 2007 12:25 AM  
Total Posts:  3
Joined  2007-01-31

Hi all,

I’m a sister (as in nun) newly assigned to Spain and I live now in the southern suburb of Entrev?as.  Soon I will begin grad school at the Pontifical University Comillas.  Just wanted to say hello and invite any fellow expats who have a yen for a spiritual / religious conversation in English to drop me a line.

Incidentally, today I stopped by A Taste Of America on Serrano, and it was a disappointment.  Peanut butter, yes, but at tiny jar for 5? ?  I think not.  And cake mix and spices don’t exactly fit my culinary cravings for home.  A Philly cheesesteak or fried green tomatoes, maybe.

Sr. Joy
