urgent help..re car sale1
Posted: 26 January 2011 06:32 PM  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2011-01-26

hi, i hope i have posted in the right place if not please feel free to move it!
right..were to start, my mother and father-in-law lived in spain for 6 years until last august when my f.i.l suddenly passed away.
he had a car,myself and my husband flew to spain to help my m.i.l pack up and come home.
through a friend of a friend we sold the car,and to be honest never gave it another though until now.
we forgot to cancel the car insurance so it was taken out of the account just recently.
having phoned the insurance company we were told we could get the money back if we could get the JUSTIFICANTE PROFFESANL.
does anyone know were we can get one?
or is it a lost cause?

thanks in advance for any help!
kind regards dee
