Biting insects
Posted: 07 October 2006 11:04 AM  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2006-10-07

We have recently moved to the Costa Tropical in the campo and are ravaged by some kind of biting insect particularly during the evenings whilst we are inside the house. We have not seen or heard any mosquitoes. The bites swell up, itch continuously and often ouse a yellow puss after a day. Has anyone any idea what kind of insect is causing this and what can be done to treat the bites and to prevent attacks?

Posted: 07 October 2006 02:14 PM   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  6
Joined  2006-10-03

Hi David,
Is your house brand new or second hand, if its second hand did the previous owners own cats or dogs, or has a friend been to visit with a dog for example??? if so it could be flea bites. Especially if you are being bitten in doors and the bites are mainly on your shins (fleas cant get much higher unless they have got into your bed and then they can bite you anywhere!!!

If you think this could be the answer (flea bites swell up, itch and can become infected) have a good hoover up daily for at least a week or fumigate, oh and treat your own animals if you have any.

It might not be the answer but fleas bite you if the animal has gone from the premises.

Hope this has been helpfull

TracyKim 😊

Posted: 09 October 2006 05:08 PM   [ # 2 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

I agree. It sounds like it’s fleas. I’ve had my problems with those damn things myself… nearly drove me nuts. I hope they aren’t in the bed sheets!


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Posted: 09 October 2006 09:42 PM   [ # 3 ]  
Total Posts:  2
Joined  2006-10-07

Thanks for the suggestion about fleas but it’s highly unlikely. The house is old, the previous owner did have a dog but the place has been empty for 3 years and the bites aren’t restricted to legs. We get them also on hands, arms or necks, in fact any exposed area.
Still a very uncomforable mystery for us. Any other ideas?

Posted: 15 October 2006 06:00 PM   [ # 4 ]  
Total Posts:  1682
Joined  2005-12-05

Noseeums? Little biting flies? Maybe ask your neighbours…

Sorry though!


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Posted: 20 October 2006 03:49 PM   [ # 5 ]  
Just Landed
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It could well be Sandflies, or No-see-ums, as already said, they will not fly in even the slightest breeze so it may be worth picking those days. Look out if you have dogs as well, since they carry Leishmaniasis.

Posted: 20 December 2008 06:20 AM   [ # 6 ]  
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flea eggs can lay dormant for years and hatch when sence movement…....fumigate!

Posted: 27 May 2009 01:48 PM   [ # 7 ]  
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Joined  2008-06-23

He hasn`t posted for 3 yrs, maybe they killed him.

In the campo, bite in the night, its mosquitos, pure and simple.


“I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”

Posted: 27 May 2009 03:12 PM   [ # 8 ]  
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? make me think , Santi good one but could move the dog out the house ......

Posted: 29 May 2009 07:12 PM   [ # 9 ]  
Total Posts:  682
Joined  2007-11-01

David - we have been having similar bites recently.
I get bitten by anything/everything so dose up with the strongest tropical strenght mozzie spray from head to toe during the warmer weather!
But - I still got these bites (they are different to mozzie bites).
I have come to the conclusion that it is fleas after all - We are getting bitten in bed at night.
We forgot to give our cat its dose of ‘Spot on’ and it is very likely there are now eggs in the bed - arrgghhh!

I am going to the vet as we speak as there is a non-harmful liquid spray that you can spray onto furniture to kill them off. 
Even my partner is getting these bites - and usually nothing bites them ever! 

Fleas - 80% sure. (Above poster is correct that the eggs lie dormant for a very long time - and likely your warmth has activated them!).

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