Emergency Telephone Numbers in Spain

Contact information for emergency services with the police department, fire department, ambulance and your embassy, and in case of domestic abuse and credit card theft. A short guide to Spain's emergency services.

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Cost of Living in Spain

Can you live on 1000€ per month? How much does a family need to live comfortably on the coast? What's the best city in Spain from a cost of living standpoint? Here we offer a cost of living breakdown focused on Madrid and Alicante, including the basic necessities and a detailed guide for estimating your costs.

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Electricity in Spain

Information on your electronics, electrical appliances and setting up electicity for your flat or house.

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Doctors in Spain

Information about doctors in Spain including both public doctors through the public clinic system and making private doctors appointments. See the extensive list of English speaking doctors in Madrid, Barcelona and Malaga, Spain.

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Currency Exchange and Solutions for Expats

Information on exchanging currency from sterling and dollars to euros for expatriates living in Spain.

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Comunidad de Propietarios: Part 2, The Nitty Gritty

In-depth information about the Comunidad de Vecinos refering to the legal powers and responsibilities of both the committee and the Administrator. The Budget. Complaints and problems with the neighbours. It is based on the Spanish law known as Ley de Propiedad Horizontal.

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