Register for Unemployment Benefits (Paro)

Registration assistance and submission for Spanish unemployment benefits Prestación por desempleo (Paro) with Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal - SEPE.

You are entitled to this benefit if:

  • you are registered with Social Security
  • are legally unemployed, register as a job seeker in the public employment service, are actively seeking employment and are willing to accept suitable employment
  • have paid contributions for at least 360 days in the 6 years before becoming unemployed or before the end of your obligation to pay contributions
  • are older than 16 and have not yet reached retirement age

The first step to obtaining the benefit is to register as a job seeker in one of their offices and, once there, apply for the benefit within two weeks after you become legally unemployed

If you encounter an online system that offers a downloadable PDF instruction manual to use it, be afraid. If that instruction manual is only in Spanish, be extra afraid . This is the system you have to work with in order to claim your unemployment benefits. - The Expatriator

Hire a gestor to help you:

  • establish your entitlement
  • identify the correct forms
  • collect the required documentation and evidence for your claim
  • submit your application correctly

Includes a 30 min consultation with the gestor. 


Select package rate for number of people in your family or group requiring this service
