Spain, So Just How Much Are We Talking About?

A great article from Mark Wilkens of the Rights Group regarding the actual costs of buying property in Spain 2007.

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Spanish Cultural Commentary

Spain Expat's cultural notes. The culture of Spain and cultural differences discussed by expatriates living in Spain.

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How a Canadian couple moved to Spain and found a home

Frank and Lissette moved to Spain after 6 years of slow travel around the world. Here's the story of the couple's first chapter of their new life in Spain on a nonlucrative visa: finding a home and figuring out which part of the country to settle themselves.

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Jobs in Spain

Jobs in Spain and job sites for those seeking jobs under the Spanish sun. This list is possibly the most exhaustive list of job sites in Spain on the entire Internet, I shit you not.

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Electricity in Spain

Information on your electronics, electrical appliances and setting up electicity for your flat or house.

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The Best Ways to Learn Spanish

Tools to learn Spanish effectively. For every level.

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